Tuesday, November 02, 2004

the tuesday usual

just so you folks officially know, if you hadn't noticed, I tend to post on the mornings of Tuesday and Friday. This is because they are the ends of the first and last day of my work week. When I work overtime, it moves to Saturday morning.
Just so you know.
NINSI. If you are going to invite me/us to ride down with you or do visity things WOULD YOU PLEASE CALL. Neither one of us checks the blog regularly, and therefore it is an unreliable way to transmit time-sensitive messages. Thank you very much, love you.
that goes for everyone else, as well.
just so you know.


we live in an apartment, and we were not expecting any trick-or-treaters, but we had one intrepid young vampire knock at the door. I should have given the kid a handfull of candy, but I didn't. we carved pumpkins, an activity I really enjoy, Luigi for the first time. I just don't understand how people can get so pissed off about it... anyway. I'm sure you all share my feelings on the subject, insert your own rant here.
I also cut out a bat shape out of black paper and put brown tissue behind it and put it over the light outside the door; I think it looks really cool. I guess I should take it down to save it.
It rained too much for good trick-or-treating; we went driving around the local neighborhood and only saw kids getting in and out of cars. No wandering hordes of "demonlings" or whatever, only SUVs with popstar wannabes and the store bought witch. It really made me want to get out there and go door to door myself, just for the experience and nostalgia and to show these poor bubble-children how it is to be done, really. Luigi and I decided that it's not really about the candy, honestly. The candy is the excuse for the stomping around in the dark with friends and sometimes family, the dressing up as something you would like to be or something that scares you; the candy is the excuse for the outing.
Think about it:
The real fun of Halloween is the costumes, the activities after darkfall, the people you troupe around with. It's why grownups go to Halloween parties: because it's as close to what we did as kids as we feel like we can get away with. It's why teenagers still go out, whether they go door to door or not: it's the out in the dark with the homies, playing. It's why kids are so excited about Halloween. It's the night you can try out being whatever you want to be, whoever you want to be; it's the night you can be the thing that scares you, and thereby cancel some of the power it has over you.
So maybe next year, I'll dress up as a kid, pretending to be a grown-up, and I'll go door to door with my plastic pumpkin and glowstick and my grinning, laughing, giggling, snickering friends; and we will be the spirit of Halloween past. We will haunt the streets with glee, and stick our tounges out at those who accuse us of being too old for this. They'll just be jealous that we are doing what they know they want to do also. And maybe we will invite them to join us. And maybe the next year they will. And maybe, just maybe, the neighborhood streets on Halloween will be as they should: full of kids of all ages having a damn good time with their friends in the dark. Life is too short, and gets shorter the older you get. So which will you choose: the trick, or the treat?