Saturday, November 06, 2004


it is, again.

The nation has voted, the regime continues. I am sure that I don't have to say anything else, as you all feel me on this... and if you don't, then you don't want to hear it anyway.


I'm down for moving to Mexico and building our own floating islands like that one guy did...

aside from that, the cold weather has arrived. The days are still kind of nice and warm, but the nights are becoming decidedly nippy.

And Christmas is sweeping the nation like a bad social disease. Thanksgiving isn't even "Christmas, part 1" anymore. It's more like a day of rest right before the madness truly begins.

By the way, before anyone tries to accuse me of being insensitive or uncaring about our poor Zero, let me just say that I do think about him every day, and I worry too, and if my opinion counted for anything, I would tell him to NOT get chemo, and go for the surgery thank you very much. but I haven't been asked, and as he plans to get second opinions, I guess all I can do is think about him just like the rest of you that can't reach him right now.
Good luck, man. You're on my worry list.


Maybe someday I will dust off the soapbox and tell you exactly why I am so truly frightened about the next four years. But I don't have the strength or the time, and I can't guarantee that I would do a reasonable job.
Just remember that thanks to the "Patriot" Act, every (and I mean EVERY) phone in the country is subject to tapping, without notice or permission. That's right, folks; not just the public pay phones -- your home land lines and your private cell phones as well. Think about it. Good old Uncle Sam is turning into Big Brother Bush. Or maybe he already has.

Knats, I don't want any comments about the tone of my post. I can't do happy chirpy wacky right now, so deal. :P

Have a good weekend.