Sunday, April 04, 2004

a second try.

ok. so time is linear, right? and space is not. space is endless, or at least we think it is. but what if it's not? what if, somewhere out there, it ends? what is on the other side of the "end"? do we live in some cosmic fishbowl? are we just an error in the programming that runs the universe? that would be funny. we're a glitch, an error, spamware in the system.

"Humans are food that fights dirty."
A bit of wisdom from a good friend, produced in a moment of rum induced inspiration, as so many of the best moments are. but we are! We are prey that won the fight! Somehow, we managed to play the sneaky-underhanded-dirty-pool card at the right moment and went from table scraps to top of the food chain. We figured out, somewhere along the way, that a stout fallen branch or a thrown rock were better weapons than what we were currently equipped with. and then we upgraded, eventually, to a pointy stick, and so on and so forth. But how did we manage to survive so long without such weapons?

Friday, April 02, 2004


Ok. (yes, as in "Oklahoma", and also as in "fine/all right" etc...)
so here we are, me and -- the rest of the world?
This is the first attempt. Please be patient.

I am a night worker, and when I have to be awake during the day, it produces a very strange feeling. I imagine that day people feel much the same when they invade my world, the time of fluorescent lighting and almost no traffic.
It is strange to be a sleepwalker in the daylight.
It is also strange to be me.