Thursday, November 18, 2004


yes! yes, ok, I'm posting!
before anyone gets their underwear in a wad, I'm posting.

rain, rain, rain, rain;
some that is like real rain rain and some that is good splattery sprinkling
not much sun, grey skies and cloudy
makes for good sleeping, which means it will stop all this once I get a chance to sleep.

working lots, thanks.
just got the biggest paycheck I've ever recieved to date. Love it; too damn bad it's all accounted for already (if I am good and pay things like I should.)

Not sure how I feel about the holidays being so frikken close, again;
not sure how I feel about not having the little sister here for stuff-your-face-and-fall-down day;
Not sure how I feel about much except more sleep, please, and lots more money for much less effort.

there you go. nice quick, short post.
If you're very very good, and I feel up to it, I may do it again in a much shorter amount of time than the last.