Sunday, September 12, 2004


( I wrote this last week, and then forgot to post it... so here you go.)

so, a couple of months ago (has it been that long already?) we bought a bike for Luigi so he would have some mobility, because we have one car and it takes me to work which is about 30 miles away. Ok, 25.
I thought a bike was a great idea. I wanted one too.
So we bought the one that was sitting outside the neighbor's door since we moved in, because she was moving out.
Um. Just so you folks know, a bike should not be left outside in the weather for long periods of time.
So, essentially, I got a frame and tires. And the tires need air.
My brother, the amazing Dr. Nick, gave me his old bike. It just needed a little work.
I finally got around to doing that work yesterday (Friday) and thought "huh. all this needed was brake pads, and some tightening... I guess he just wanted a new bike."
Nope. I should have known that things are never that easy.
Anybody want to guess what I missed?
I'll just tell you -- it was missing a pedal.
And not just the pedal, the whole arm of the thing. As in there was nothing on that side of the gears, just the other end of the bolt that holds the whole thing together.
So I called him and said "what the hell. Am I just a tard? Is this thing at your place? Is it here and I just can't see it?"
And he said "You're a tard." And explained to me the whole story, which sounded familliar as soon as I heard it, but refused to voluntarily come to mind.
What to do?
Take the needed part off of the other bike. Duh.
We had to get the Hammer of Kneecapping after it, but it was nice outside, and I wanted very badly to ride with my Luigi. I haven't ridden a bike in years (and I mean more than 10) and I thought this sounded fabulous.
A bit of banging later, and the pedal arm was off of one and onto the other. Oh yeah, I love being a chick with glittery nail polish using tools! I just love it...
And a very short while later, we were off.
We rode around in the neighborhood behind the complex, found the park in the area, and I discovered that when I put the seat back on the bike I didn't tighten it enough. So it was uncomfortable, and now -- now, there is a part of my sitting-upon that is sore. I didn't realize that it could be sore. I've got bountiful padding -- bones most certainly should not be trying to poke through in that region. Bones should not even be thought about in that region.
However, the padding is obviously not distributed in a helpful manner for this difficulty.
This will not deter me. I still have tools. The seat has been readjusted, and tightened 'till it just about squeaked. I will ride again.
Just maybe not today.
Or tomorrow.
Definetly Monday, as it is a holiday, and I am not working. (Yay, for paid holidays!)
And someday, I will move the brakes, and the shifters, and the gears, to the other frame and tires -- and, of course, the other pedal arm. As I have three, and not four. And then, I will have a crossbreed bike. And as long as I remember to tighten the seat mount, and the pedal bolt, we will get along fine. Until I try to hop a curb and it tries to kill me.
But when that happens, I will tell you, and we will all laugh.
Until then...