Sunday, August 22, 2004


despite the apparent lack of interest from the public, I return, and I post. I know you people are out there, and you at least look in. So there -- you've been caught peeking, you might as well say hello.
Not that I am famous for commenting on other weblogs, mind you. I am reminded of a piece of wisdom that says : the things we dislike the most about other people are the things we see in ourselves.
Or something very similar.
This bit of information lives in the top of my mind, more often than I care to admit. And I find it to be true: the things that piss me off about other people the most are also things that I am ashamed to find in myself.
There are things that are exceptions to this rule, of course -- I don't spend free time stuffing firecrackers into the orifi of canines, and I don't make a habit of knocking over old ladies for their purses, that sort of thing.
But I'm not perfect.
Far from it.
But with this in mind, I do try to cut other people slack.
Sometimes it doesn't work.
Some people are just damn stupid.
Some are simply mean.
I try to leave these people to their own sad little existences as often as possible. I have enough crap to deal with in my own life. I don't need their bad mood or inability to perform simple tasks cluttering up my day. I do enough of that on my own.
I suppose that the point of this particular waste of your time is: Give other people the benefit of the doubt. Give them a smile, see if they smile back. Be nice.
And leave me some comments.