Do you like it? I did it all myself, except for the buttons and the counter and now I don't know why the buttons are screwy, but I'm not done yet.
I'm still working on the grief thing, too. I think about it in little pieces, usually when I go to bed and it is dark and Luigi is asleep before me. But it's ok, because all I have to do is poke him and say his name, and he comes awake really fast to comfort me. I love this about him. It's gotten me through many nights and nightmares. Luigi takes such good care of me; we've been through some rough times together.
I'm thinking of projects to do with the girls (this would be Lady, Goat, and maybe the Beautiful) -- the kind of thing you do in summer camp, etc. I have more art supplies than I care to admit most days, and I think it would be really fun to have kind of a grown-up art camp type thing, maybe on Friday or Saturday afternoons. I think this might run really well next year, as a public thing, maybe at the Living Arts space, or something. Anyway. So I'm trying to think of stuff to do; I'm thinking paper mache, rubber stamp things, various painting projects. If anyone has suggestions, I'm happy to hear them! What was your favorite art project as a kid?
this weekend was ok. They never are long enough.
Ninsi, Phlome, what is up w/your sites? They don't come up for me. Is it me or you?
There are so many things I want to say. But when I get here, they all vanish.
I want to write the profound things I think about Life, especially in Tulsa.
For instance: Luigi and I tried to go see a Midnight movie on Saturday. We went to almost every theatre in Tulsa, and none of them had midnight movies. WTF? On a Saturday? What the hell is going on? Is this somehow connected to curfew or something, or does noone show up for that time slot?
I should go to bed. It is getting really late for me.
Don't forget to leave me suggestions.
Thanks, folks.