Wednesday, July 21, 2004

alphabet stuff.

Stolen from Neko, who stole it from Non-Girlfriend.

A ct your age?: I don't know.  How am I supposed to know?  I guess so, since I just act like me.
B orn on what day of the week?: um.  No clue.
C hore you hate?: Not terribly fond of dishes.  Cat box, believe it or not, is kind of ok.  But that's because there's only one, and she's small.
D ad's name?: hah.  this is a story all by its self.
E ssential makeup item?: black mascara, really the only thing I wear IF I wear it.
F avorite actor(s)?:  kevin spacey, johnny depp, Edward Norton, um, Ewan McGregor (I think that's him) Cary Elwes, Mel Brooks, Mandy Patinkin, and more later.
G old or silver?: depends.  what's with it?
H ometown?: Tulsa
I nstruments you play?: I don't play anything anymore.  I used to play the flute to a minimum degree of proficiency; took the obligitory piano lessons for a while; I like the idea of the clarinet and I own one.  but that' s about it. 
K ids?: not the momma!
L iving arrangements?: great apartment with just me, Luigi, Danger Cat and all my stuff. 
M um's name?: Sheila. 
N eed?: money.   and less stuff.  I guess I could sell some of my stuff and get more money.  I'd rather just have money.
O vernight hospital stays?: nope.
P hobias?:  falling!  and, um, something that is not revealing itself right now.  You'd think I'd remember things like this.
Q uote(s) you like?:  "It ain't ignorance that causes all the trouble in the world.  It's the things folks know that ain't so."  -- Mark Twain (courtesy of Uncle)  and  "Time flows like water; Memories are like snow" -- me.  (shameless self promotion.) 
R eligious affiliation?:  inbetween devotions as of now.  also known as a crisis of faith.
S iblings: Four that I am actually related to.  If you count all the friends of the family that have been around long enough to be family, then it grows to like thirty.  Or more.
T ime you wake up?: about 1:30 P.M.  (hence, the sleepwalking title.)
U nique talent?: unique?  nothing is truly uniqe in this world.  and I'm not feeling very talented right now.  Ask again later.
V egetable you refuse to eat? BLACK EYED PEAS.  I will eat almost (I said almost) anything but fucking black eyed peas.
W orst habit?: forgetting.
X -rays you've had?: only dental.  do those count? 
Y ummy food you make?: I make a pretty tasty lemon cake, even if it is someone else's recipie.  But it is damn good. 
Z oo animal you like?:  I like meerkats. 

WTF?  I just noticed that there's nothing for J.

J ust wondering?  maybe.
