I just read one of Leif's earliest posts. He was talking about a letter to the editor that he recieved, and how much it pissed him off. I agree with his sentiment, by the way. The writer talked about how women should stay in the home and be barefoot and pregnant, and that (somehow) this was all the fault of Jesus, no less. Leif didn't post the whole letter, just quoted it, and I'm glad he didn't post the whole thing as I don't need any extra reasons to get pissed off. I am normally very easy going, but I am also remarkably easy to thoroughly piss the fuck off, if you know what you are doing.
I found a button yesterday that sums it up rather well:
"You people are just lucky I'm so terrified of prison."
That's pretty close.
If it wasn't so much work, and if I didn't have so much life going on right now, I would so be a super villain.