Saturday, April 09, 2005

sometimes, I hate my life

People with small children who can't communicate their needs, I know you feel me on this one.

The kitty is sick.
She threw up a lot yesterday, so we finally took her to the vet, even though we so don't have the money, only because Luigi's mom lent it to us. The trip cost us $122 and change, we got 4 different kinds of medicine, she got a shot, and she threw up again right after we got home. She's thrown up at least twice more since then, and she just ate a little, just now. I pray, seriously, that she can keep it down. I am so terrified that there is something really amazingly wrong with her. All the vet said was that it could be anything, since vomiting is pretty much the first sign for any illness in a cat. Thanks.
So I've been checking on her every so often, making sure she's still breathing; all I want to do is cuddle her and cry, but she's really not up for that right now. So I lie on the floor with her for a while, and then I go away and try to do something else.
This, on top of I'm having surgery on Monday.
And we have to move at the end of this month.
And we don't know where yet.
And there's not a lot of money to work with.
And there's a lot of people that want money from me.
And I'm supposed to start my period here soon.
And I need to get rid of like half of everything I own.
And Luigi's best friend had surgery on his neck yesterday.

There's more, but if I don't stop now I'm gonna cry all over the keyboard.