Saturday, September 04, 2004

Oh, great and powerful Phlome...

Please do not remove me from the webring for the mere fact that I am mortal and thereby falliable; that and I simply have more things than time right now...

So, you folks had stuff to say about the last two posts. Right on. Unfortunately, just as I am sure you are getting into a groove of commenting on this blog, I am flinging my wrench of monkeyness into the works, bringing the conversation to a screaming halt.
In other words, this post probably won't be as interesting.

this week has come and gone, and it has had its moments.
I am frustrated and sad about something -- why is it that really really good people will end up losing their job before the jerk that nobody really likes and would be relieved to see hit the door? I am struggling with this right now. The cowboy coworker is still working, and Pretzel is not. What the hell. Pretzel deserves every word of praise I sing in his name, and I mean that. He is one of those few fine folks who works hard, is fun to be around, and always holds up his end of the stick.
The cowboy, however, is not.
There are so many things that I have witnessed, and heard, that I just don't get why he is still working there. I have been promised a team meeting next week, by the man himself (my boss) and so maybe I'll bite the bullet, take one for the team, and out him. I know that I am going to dishonor myself in the doing. And I feel bad, some times, because I know he needs this job. (But if he needs this job, shouldn't he act like it? If I hear him say "I don't care" one more time when it's something that applies to his job, I may scream...) I don't know. I probably won't say anything. Unless he says something first. And if he does, then I know I'll have the rest of the team on my side.
But I'm still not happy about it.