Sunday, August 08, 2004

re: Blogger: kiss my ass

ok, so after I send a note to Blogger support about the problem, I think, "well, I'll just go to the home page and try one more time."
Hey presto! it sends me to the Dashboard page.
So what the hell? Why all the run-around?
Maybe it's my computer.
Maybe it's them.
Either way, it's damn annoying.

In other news:
I just got links put up. If I missed you, comment and remind me, and I'll add you.
And be sure to go see Luigi!

I may someday put up a list of links that are not blogs. But don't expect this anytime soon.
It should be a clue that I gave up and went back to a default premade template. I get frustrated, and pissed off, and just have to do something that works.

I have this idea for an art show (provided, of course, that I 1) make enough relevant pieces to have said show and 2) talk Steve at Living Arts into letting me have a show ) that I would call "The Story of My Life" in which each piece would be an illustration of the recurring themes in my life. I could title them things like "The Story Of My Life: Love" and "The Story Of My Life: Learning" etc...
I think it would be cool. I've got several ideas, already, and a few sketch type things in progress.
So maybe in like 5 years, if I work hard, I could have the show.
And that, too, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of my life.