Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Danger Cat is locked in the bathroom, because she decided to pee in the corner of the room we were in. Again. We don't know if she is protesting, or if she's just establishing her dominance and control of her domain, or if she's having a problem, or what her damn problem is.

So I feel like a bad cat momma, because she is crying and scratching and generally being pathetic. But we just can't have this behavior.

So she's stuck in the bathroom, which is where her food dish and water cup (yes, I said cup) live, as well as her litter box, and she does have toys in there. But it means that she is confined against her will, without access to our proximity at her whim.

But I still feel like a bad cat momma. And I guess that technically I am, because she was bad.
Why do people have to feel guilt so strongly?
Does it really serve some function in the evolutionary process, or is this just supposed to be part of what "separates man from beast" or some such?

Because I, for one, have had quite enough of it in my life to date to last the rest of what I plan to live. And then some.